In the context of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Online Forum, on October 30thINSULAE partner, DAFNI Network organized a Local Transition Day workshop “Promoting the Clean energy transition in Greek islands”. The last part of the conference was dedicated to three innovative projects implemented on Greek islands: INSULAE, ECOISM and SMILE. INSULAE’s contribution to islands’ energy transition was presented by Makis Kartalidis from CERTH. The event was attended by a large number of participants including many executives of the island local government.

The Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat was created to facilitate the clean energy transition on EU islands from the bottom up. It is built on the vision that in order to assure the best environment for change, and to benefit all members of the island communities, a balanced collaboration between public and private stakeholders is essential. For this reason, the Secretariat is using the quadruple helix approach, helping citizens, local authorities, local businesses and academic institutions work together to advance the clean energy transition on their island.