The project shows at the annual meeting of BRIDGE H2020 organised by the European Commission a set of innovative solutions aiming to the EU islands decarbonization

The INSULAE project has been presented at the annual General Assembly of the BRIDGE H2020 platform, organised by the European Commission in Brussels. Thus, the project strengthens its position in research in Smart grids and energy storage that will be key to ensuring a technologically viable energy transition.

The main goal of INSULAE is to foster the deployment of innovative solutions aiming to the EU islands decarbonization by developing and demonstrating at three Lighthouse Islands a set of interventions linked to seven replicable use cases, whose results will validate an Investment Planning Tool that will be then demonstrated at four Follower Islands for the development of four associated Action Plans.

BRIDGE H2020 is a platform in which the most relevant research projects financed by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 programme in the field of future energy systems and grids participate.

The aim of BRIDGE H2020 is to provide expertise in the different fields of electricity grids, to share lessons learned from the implementation of projects and to propose strategic roadmaps with a view to overcoming barriers to the deployment of innovations.

More than a hundred experts from all over Europe, including INSULAE partners, have presented numerous completed projects at the General Assembly in order to share conclusions and make new lines of research known through the presentation of projects that have just begun.

In addition, the INSULAE project have participated in several parallel sessions where collaboration between projects has been strengthened and future challenges of BRIDGE H2020 have been discussed. This work is part of their participation in the different working groups on innovation, data management, legislation, business models and customer engagement, whose discussion has resulted in several reports.