The 2nd and 3rd of November, lighthouse and follower islands partners, along with CERTH for replication activities and DAFNI for the training (promotion) activities, met in Paris for a 2-day training of the Investment planning tool (IPT). Organised by Artelys, this training had the goal to present the different features of the IPT, and to learn how to use it with different applied exercises.

During these two days, the participants had the opportunity to work with both the “Island Modelling Assistant module”, and the “Scenarisation module”. The different activities include for example the analysis of the impacts of the addition of solar generation to an existing energy scenario, or the simulation of a simplified action plan for an island to reach carbon-neutrality by 2050.

Since the training, follower and lighthouse islands have at their disposal servers with the IPT. Lighthouse islands can now optimise with the tool different transition pathways of their energy system, based on the representation of their current energy system already modelled by Artelys team in the previous tasks of the project. Follower islands on the other hand have to use the “Island Modelling Assistant” to build a representation of their current energy system before working on its evolution in the future.

We are all looking forward to seeing how lighthouse and follower islands will use the IPT tool to build ambitious energy action plans adapted to their specific needs. The IPT will be used to replicate efficiently the different use-cases currently being implemented by the different lighthouse islands.

The objective of the INSULAE project is also to scale up innovative energy approaches in all EU islands. The IPT will be commercialised by Artelys at the end of the project in order to be used by more islands to build energy action plans. Demos and trainings will be organised next year at different forums: stay tuned for more information!