Consell insular de Menorca


Brief Description:

The Island Council of Menorca is a public institution of self-government in the Menorca island area. It was created in 1978, after the approval of the island council’s regime. It is officially instituted by Authonomy Statute of the Balearic Islands, receiving competences in mobility (land transport), territorial planning (including coastline), among others and has specific political and administrative structure (dedicated staff).

In addition, the island of Menorca was declared Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO MaB Programme in 1993, according to its high level of compatibility between the development of economic activities, the consumption of resources, and the conservation of heritage, biodiversity and landscapes that it had preserved. Population of Menorca (according to “Instituto Nacional de Estadística” census 2016): 91,601 inhabitants.

Main task and responsibilities:

Menorca island is participating in INSULAE as a follower island and is represented by Consell Insular de Menorca. CIME will actively participate in WP8 INSULAE use cases and solutions replication.