empresa de electricidade da madeira, s.a.


Brief Description:

EEM – Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira, S.A. is a public (fully state owned) energy utility company that has the responsibility for the production, transmission, distribution and commercialization of electricity both in Madeira and Porto Santo Islands.

These activities are integrated in just one legal entity: EEM, S.A., whose main target is to provide electricity to every consumer in Madeira and Porto Santo Islands, enhancing the best quality, the most economic and the highest reliability of its power service. The production sector is also open to private operators. Each island has an isolated power electric system (not interconnected), small scale.

Main task and responsibilities:

As the network planner in Madeira Island isolated electricity grid, EEM will be strongly engaged in the Madeiran regional “Lighthouse” island, being involved in the major phases of the project and in particularly, testing a Decision Support System (DSS) tool with real data, developed to simulate the overcome of some grid challenges and thus meeting the following major goals:

  • Modelling different demand scenarios with different shapes of daily load diagram, taking in consideration Electrical Vehicle increasing, electrical efficiency in public lighting, buildings, etc.;

  • Mitigate some of the constrains and technical issues when managing an isolated electricity grid (island), such as security of supply, grid stability in terms of frequency and voltage (including issues regarding transient events), seasonality, electricity/energy storage sizing, etc.;

  • Assessment and impact in smartening remote and rural areas (micro-grids) so that it is possible to maximize renewable energy penetration without endangering electrical energy supply and quality;

  • Assessment of the natural/synthetic inertia optimization to stabilize grid frequency, depending on the mix of energy sources;

  • Increase of overall RES penetration to meet different political targets (%) of local renewable electricity production;

  • Reduce the dependency from fossil fuel sources and its consumption, preparing the grid to a fossil free island in electricity production;

  • Decarbonisation of the island’ energy system, reducing this way greenhouse gases emissions and improving overall air quality.

EEM will be the leader of WP7 Demonstration in Real Environment – Madeira Island.