

Brief Description:

Fremsyn is an SME consultancy with expertise in emissions calculations, impact assessments and regulatory framework conditions in the energy and transport sector. Our aim is to present solutions of implementing the large potential of future renewable energy.

Main task and responsibilities:

  • Elbiler i Byen (Electric cars in the city)

    The project Elbiler i Byen has tested a business concept that will make it more attractive for car owners in dense residential buildings to choose electric cars.

  • V2E (Vehicle-to-equipment)

    Analysis of the potential of electric vehicles to supply power for tools and equipment for comercial use in the Capital Region of Denmark.

  • Interessefællesskabet for biogas til transport (The Interest Community for Biogas in Transportation)

    With this project, Fremsyn has worked to promote the framework conditions for biogas for transport through analyses, meetings and presentations for relevant stakeholders. In a series of four reports, we present economic and environmental impacts on three scenarios of different biofuels for potential conversion of heavy duty transport in Denmark. The reports aim to illustrate the best solution to Denmark’s climate commitments by 2020 with alternative biofuels.